
peanuts and other legumes

well, I discovered this morning after much suspense (and a few cankles) that I have no peanut allergy (nor am I allergic to corn, wheat, soy, shrimp, shellfish, milk, walnuts, or strawberries....I needed a doctor to tell me this? hardly). Though apparently my IGH is up (look out, it might hit you in the head if we're not careful) so I am allergic to something, unfortunately nobody is quite sure just what though. (clearly it isn't the cat) I am really inclined to believe that this reaction has something to do with chemical exposure at work. Surely the doctor will never swear to this if I decided to sue my former employer for giving me allergic reactions to benign substances, but whatever....we can chalk it up to the medical community being so intimidated by threats of malpractice suits (and probably penguin suits, too) not to mention that the insurance companies being given the authority to decide what is and what is not a medically necessary procedure or test. But I digress.........So dude wants me to go see an allergist and I must say I am not thrilled about this. I dare them to try to medicate me unnecessarily....they'll have to sedate me first (which sadly, is not outside the realm of possibility). I'm not sure this really matters all that much.
In other news: I think I have decided that the PhD is the way to go. Most of my friends at school are discussing their MA or MSEd plans after graduation and I'm thinking to myself: "Hey, if I'm going to spend the time getting an MA, why don't I just go all out and do it en route to a PhD?" this makes a hell of a lot more sense to me (besides, there's almost no funding available for master's degree programs, and I need all the monetary help I can get)....speaking of, if anyone wants to send me money, please let me know via e.mail and we can make some arrangement.......

1 commento:

sulu-design ha detto...

Oh, no... the allergist. I had to visit one of them a couple years ago and walked out with a swollen arm with ten dots of blood drying on it and no clearer idea what was making me so miserable. I wish you far better luck than I had (and I wish you luck in that e-mail cash request, too)!