
the realm of the humdinger

I'm a mucky pup, I'm a mucky pup, I'm a real humdinger of a Mucky Pup.....................WHAT??

can you hear the needle scratching on the record now? rewind.................

Hello Gentle Reader,

I am writing to you to let you know that I miss you so and that things are fine here. Your brother says "Hi" and he loves you.

What is she talking about??!?! --I have no idea, but it doesn't make any sense whatsoever

can you hear the needle scratching on the record again?? fast forward this time...........

P.S. I am wearing the Endpaper Mitts as we speak (because the cafe is freezing) and no, I didn't quit my job....there's a really quaint cafe near where I work that has wifi (unlike my house O curse you you unsharing network havers!!) so I get to play for a bit without the annoyance of people looking over my shoulder at work while I type and post things and check my e.mail and proofread Boccaccio (you remember Giovanni, right?)

With all my love and kisses,

Mucky Pup

and the best line I came up with this week was by far: "Curse you, o depth! Why could I have not just been a sex kitten??" H wanted to know if this was from a movie.....sadly, not Dietmar....I made that up all by myself! I could go and write screenplays for a living, no?

well clearly I have lost my mind...but one more thing before I go.....


For crunchy's sake woman, what did you say???


Thanks I will certainly tell him (and his hair) just as soon as I can....


Allora, siediti e aspettare perche' Alitalia non puo' aiutarti per anni. I tuoi valiggi sono persi! ;-)

Tanti Bacini a tutti voi!!

4 commenti:

maritza ha detto...

By the way, hairplug in German is "Haarstecker" in case you want to tell him to go to hell and take his hairplugs with him, that evil bosshole.

maritza ha detto...

P.S. - I had no idea how to say hairplug in Spanish (I know that "peluca" is wig), so I went onto Babelfish, which informed me that it is "enchufe del pelo." I am laughing so hard over here that it hurts! So yeah, don't trust that German word because apparently they translate a little too literally. Unless of course, that actually IS how you would say "hairplug" in Spanish, which just makes the term even funnier then because it is literally a "plug of hair."

maritza ha detto...

By the way, I tagged you for a me-me. List 6 strange things about yourself. Check out my blog for more details.

P.S. - Yeah I know, tagging someone for a me-me is almost as loathesome as sending chain-letters, but I hope you have some with it.

sulu-design ha detto...

Non odio Alitalia allora! Ho mi danaro!