
Antidiluvian, Antebellum, Ante victoriam ne canas triumphum

Before the flood, Before the war and well, as for the last "Ante" I've seen this translated in a few ways........the closest literal translation I could come up with is: Before victory, do not count on triumph....and the award for least literal translation goes to......(drumroll please.....): Give every man thine ear but few thy voice. Do not ask me how they came up with this one, for I haven't a clue...........
In other news.....I got straight A's this semester...and I must say, that I will really miss Giovanni .........even though I think he may still be lurking under my bed betwixt and between the many dustbunnies........(hey, he's not judging though) ah well, they'll provide padding and insulation so he won't get a chill (never mind the fact that he's been dead for oh, 650 years or so and probably isn't terribly concerned with catching a draft)
I am quite excited about next semster's classes.......discovery and invention, history of the italian language, italian poetry, and advanced composition. I forsee much writing in the near future......having nothing to do with my psychic abilies but rather the profs I know I'm going to have and the classes......I mean composition? what else is there besides writing? But I am sure I will have fun (who wouldn't have fun with discovery and invention?)

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