
Once upon a midnight dreary

while I pondered weak and weary..........I thought to myself.....DAMN! the Weather is UG-LEE today!! (and by the way, Ug Lee bears no relation or resemblance to General-lee, Spike Lee, Happil-lee, or Snugg-lee....) PUN PUN PUN PUN PUN! oh the horrors!! wow..........I'm surprised anything that hideous could issue forth from my head.......slightly scary isn't it?
As a result of my negligence in posting, I present you with some links to what I have actually been doing with myself since school has been out
First, there's Project Gutenberg a subdivision of Distributed Proofreaders
Then, there's my recreational reading
and then there's my big career change ........(who knows how that will work out)
and I've actually been knitting!! I even made an appearance at the tuesday night group! no one recognized me!!!!!!!!!! (kidding)
I promise to post photos as soon as I can.........maybe I will even have internet at home again........wifi is down..........I think the persons who were graciously letting me pirate their connection have caught on to the fact that others were accessing the internet as a result of their hospitality and decided it was high time that the free ride be so much water under the bridge and we can now only make obscure references to it in a loving and lamenting manner
Not to mention the lovely photos of my NEW FINGERLESS GLOVES THANK YOU MARITZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She really is the bestest friend ever..........

2 commenti:

sotophonic ha detto...

You're welcome! I thought you would like the colors, and alpaca always makes me think of you. (Alpaca also makes me sneeze, but that's another story altogether.) They look great on you! Now can you please do a knitta a favor and re-shoot those things? I swear one is not THAT much longer than the other. I am not such a horrible friend that I would gift you disproportionate mitts.

maritza ha detto...

Further proving I am having a bad techno-day (shall we say "computerally" challenged?), I can't even sign onto blogger with my correct account - not even to leave you a comment. Can you hear the music playing? I believe it's a little ditty by They Might Be Giants....
Ugh, I better go to sleep before I do anymore damage. Enjoy the mitts!

Hooray for change!
See you soon.