
a tree in a world of flowers

So since it's already November (clearly this is not the place to visit for late-breaking news stories) I have realized that I must transplant my rosemary and lavender plants if they are to survive the winter. I also must transplant myself if I am to survive the winter. But I digress............
The internet connection here has been sketchy at best recently and I'm thinking it's the icky weather (I know all these clouds for all these days in a row are sure making me sketchy) but happily, the bad connection forces me to do work and not spend time on the internet (of course, most of the time when I'm browsing, it involves some work project or other). Unfortunately, the bad connection is not conducive to updating here...............
I realized recently that I really miss writing. I mean sure, I always have lots of writing to do for school (especially with all those papers that are due) but it's not the same as writing for yourself. I also realized recently that I really detest bureaucracy. It's just one of those annoying things that makes life more difficult and is prone to constructing all sorts of obstacles and barriers to not only success, but also to general enjoyment of things that would ordinarily be quite fun and exciting.
Well, eventually I'll get out of my funk and be happy again...........
come talk to me after I've gotten some serious knitting done tonight (might I actually finish Hot Lava??) and/or after graduation, after I find a new job, after I stop eating too much chocolate, after I've managed to get a decent night's sleep, after the clouds clear up and the sun shines again.............

3 commenti:

maritza ha detto...

Pobre Piccola! The sun will shine again (unless of course, we have totally destroyed it through pollution and all). You will feel better and be happy again - once you graduate, once you get some sleep, once you for the love of all that is good in the universe get a new job where you get to utilize what you've got up there (your brain) and where you are appreciated (please, teach), and once the clouds clear up. As for the chocolate - PFAH! No such thing as too much of that! (Well, okay, there is, but for now, let's say there isn't.)
Hope you feel better soon. *HUG*malachi

maritza ha detto...

Ummm, the dangling "malachi" there (like a lonely dangling participle) was supposed you read, "Malachi says hello."

Colette ha detto...

There is no such thing as too much chocolate.

Did you finish Hot Lava? Did your change work? Missed you last week -too sick to knit - mental as well as physical. Feel better - eat darker chocolate