
successful sleep and other novelties

So I really believe that someday I will be able to sleep again.
Sleep is something that I really miss.....but really........So my big prediction for the weekend is that I will sleep or at least nap once in 48 hours......................I'm not hopeful that my prediction will come to fruition......SIGH
I also predict that I might (might) be able to FINALLY get to the Edward Hopper show at the Whitney Museum which is open late on Friday night (not that that really means anything) and then there's Saturday afternoon.
What I really miss is not having a full time job and going to school and actually having a free afternoon during the week in which to explore my lovely New York City and take full advantage of all the cultural bounties that NYC has to offer.........aaaahhhhhh yes, the noise, the dirt, the nuisance.....home sweet home.....kidding, of course. But not kidding about the free afternoon thing.....
So clearly I haven't had very much time to write or to go and do anything interesting (besides schoolwork and that's not always interesting) though the other night I did manage to make it to a poetry reading of my friend Christine's which was fun.
Boccaccio is fun (fun? did I just say that Boccaccio is fun? clearly I've lost my mind) and always coming up with new and interesting ways to write in Italian. (yes, new and interesting as told by the monster in the Bugs Bunny cartoons........I think the name was Gossamer......you know the big orangey guy with the fur parted at the top of his giant head wearing chuck taylors or some reasonable fascimile thereof). I think he (Boccaccio not Gossamer) really went to town on the whole "watch me construct a sentence where the subject is at the end and doesn't belong there because this IS NOT LATIN" concept......YAY Giovanni!! It makes the sentences really difficult to parse and if the sentences are difficult to parse, imagine how difficult they are to understand. But I admit, I kind of like it: it presents a challenge, and is entertaining (not a combination often found anywhere these days.....though he did write in the 1300's so I guess that doesn't really qualify as "these days" does it?)

1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

datti malata per due giorni, non andare ne al lavoro ne a scuola...e DORMI!!!
Tanti bacini, Pat