
roots and tubers

I once wanted to become an atheist, but I gave up - they have no holidays.
- Henny Youngman
I, too, once wanted to become an atheist, but didn't give up because they had no holidays: I gave up because it gave me no sense of connection (save but to other atheists who are a rather dark and brooding bunch) to something greater. That for me is an important feeling -- the sense of connectedness, of belonging, of knowing.......which is not to say that I know which way is the RIGHT way (all capitals and italics!) but i do know for sure which is the right way for me. I think that is all anyone can ask for: knowing which is the right way for them.
I am feeling less funky by far.........and finally made it to the Hopper show at the Whitney. We tried to go yesterday, but the line was out the door and so we went to the Museum of Natural History instead. We visited the Hall of Biodiversity, Ocean Life (I LOVE squid!! and all the other tasty cefalopods!! YAY cefalopods!! I am also a fan of bracheopods, just for the record) then went to visit Geology. They have some great information on volcanoes, plate tectonics, mountain formation and all the exciting geothermal activities that we know and love.
Then today (which did start out a little funky......damn those clouds and blue hats!!) we made it to the Whitney. Hopper was great!! Also managed to see the Picasso show which was sort of disappointing, Kiki Smith who is a little weird, but some of her stuff is okay (I particularly enjoyed what has come to be affectionately known as the "Circle of Life".......just a bunch of plexiglass sperm arranged in a circle on a platform on the floor) while some of her stuff is just disturbing, and finally to the Josef Albers and
László Moholy-Nagy -- Bauhaus exhibit which was really interesting. We also made it to see paintings by Mark Grotjahn which were pretty interesting as well. We discovered that you can tell a lot about a person based on the paintings they like and dislike (and also by their favorite type of volcano)..................

3 commenti:

pat ha detto...

wow! hai visitato finalmente quello che volevi! ma...volevo venire anch'io!!!
l'unica cosa che mi dispiace un pò è che non scrivi più i post anche un pò in italiano.....vabbè ti perdono! bacissimi, Pat

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maritza ha detto...

Oh cool! You got to see the Kiki Smith - it wasn't up yet when I went. Same as the Bauhaus exhibit.
I thought the Picasso was a little disappointing also. I told you, I have mixed feelings about the dude anyway. Anyway, before I go on here, glad to hear/read that you had what sounds like a fun weekend. *HUGS*