
happy october

seemingly, this has been a productive weekend: aside from my momentary feelings of being inside out yesterday afternoon, the weekend has proved to be one of creativity and enterprise (as opposed to laziness and vice) a fact for which i am quite grateful. Friday evening I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to see an exhibit. I succeed in visiting the Cezanne to Picasso show, however I did not have an opportunity to see the other exhibit that I wanted to see; it grew late and we had to leave, so we missed the Medieval Faces (Carved in Stone). I forgot how nice it is to go to the museum on a friday evening. The rest of New York is seemingly someplace else (so that's a fantastic reason to go at all) and there's an eerie calm to Manhattan when it's not hideouslly overcrowded and obnoxious.

I have also rediscovered wordplay (thankfully, as I was beginning to fear that my vocabulary was about ready to go on permanent hiatus for want of use). I love words, I love to play with words, I love how words can sometimes play with me. I cannot imagine my life without language; without the ability to communicate my thoughts and ideas with words (as opposed to cave paintings?)

I have finished reading the fifth novel of the second day (hello Boccaccio) both in Italian and in English. I am thankful that I don't have to go into work or school tomorrow (maybe I will finally endeavor to clean the house! er, maybe not) but I really at least should wash one load of laundry

It is 5.30 on a Sunday afternoon and I am again in love with the world. It's amazing to me that my emotions can very so drastically from one day to the next. It makes me wonder about neural pathways and how they are affected but what I'm doing, the company I'm keeping and how funny it really is that the guy who was just sitting behind me is not only wearing a shirt that says "nerd" across the chest, but also has a really bad bowl haircut (and not the cute long kind, but short and weird looking as though he was recently attacked with a flowbee) just ordered a decaf latte and tripped not only over his own chair, but also over the chair behind him in his attempt to retrieve said latte from the counter, all the while hoping to impress the girl he thinks is cute.
So much for being in love with the world.

So just as soon as I have some interesting pictures to post, I will..........and thanks Dana for making me your latest contact .......I have no contacts, but if I did, you'd be first on the list ;-)

Alright, I must go now, and work on parsing some sentences in Italian (parsing is actually becoming one of my favorite past-times...............hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm..........maybe he's
right, maybe I am a nerd..........though a nerd thoroughly unrelated to our flowbee-toting special friend mentioned earlier herein.......cringe)

2 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

Jolie, il tuo entusiasmo mi mette di buon umore...ti invidio un pò per la mostra che hai visto al museo....Bacioni Patrizia!

maritza ha detto...

Awwwwwwww, bubby, I am so happy to hear that you had a great weekend and that you feel in love with the world. Yay you! You deserve to feel that way. And yes, you are a word-nerd and that is why we love you.