
garden grove

garden grove
Originally uploaded by tresjoli.
So I went to Central Park on Saturday afternoon, something I haven't done nearly often enough. I've decided that I need to take advantage of everthing that New York City has to offer, seeing as how I'm not going to be here forever. Of course, I can ALWAYS come back.........
I've been feeling a bit depressed lately and I'm not absolutely sure what's happening to me. My life is undergoing a sort of renovation if you will; cleaning, painting, tearing down and building anew. It's causing me a bit of stress, but hey, these are the things we must do, right? Not everything is great all the time. I consider myself lucky that I don't have to worry all the time about things like clean drinking water (mine may be chlorinated, but at least it's potable: I hear that the consensus is that NYC water is the best, though to be quite honest, I'm not too sure), or finding my next meal, or where I will sleep tonight. I am thankful for a great many things in my life; not the least of which being my health, my friends and family, the sun, the moon, being understood, and the trees.........................

2 commenti:

maritza ha detto...

Beautiful photo! Makes me wish I was there. By the way, the water up here may be fine, but the water in Queens tastes MUCH better. NY's water is some of the best; you are lucky to have it.
P.S. - Should you feel inspired to bottle some up and ship it over here, I would greatly appreciate it. I would name my first-born after you - Jolie if it's a girl (of course), and Jolio if it's a boy, because just Jo would be too obvious. ;P
Miss ya!

sulu-design ha detto...

Beautiful picture. Don't be down on yourself for being down. Everyone (even those of us with clean water and shelter) have the right to feel mopey every now and then. Hopefully, we'll see you tomorrow, and perhaps be able to cheer you up a bit!