
in the mind of the mind....

I have heard it said that the blogs are not interesting in the absence of accompanying imagery. I do believe that this is not always the case. I have read many a blog that is word-heavy and image-light which I have found interesting/funny/inspiring (and no, I don't just say that because I am heavy on words and light on images). While I can appreciate a fantastic photo or an inspiring image, I must confess that there is something cathartic in the act of writing, and of course then there is reading others' catharsis that too can be inspiring. Maybe I should take a lesson from Susan and focus my attention on the richness of images around me.......she recently completed a thirty-day project that I found particularly inspiring.........
Creativity is often elusive; creativity is often staring you in the face from behind your own eyes; creativity is all around, everywhere, all the time; sometimes to find it you have to look out, and sometimes you have to look in. I think it takes a special sort to delve into the realm of the unexplored, to be daring, to try something new (even it has been done by others a million times over, if it's your first go at it, it's new to you), to try something old again as thought it was something new, to challenge yourself and stretch your own limits....
I have a professor who has said that it is poetry that stretches the limits of language: poetry's responsibilty is to take the language to a place it has never been before (this is my interpretation/extrapolation of what this prof has had to say). In word: experimentation. Life is art is life is art. And life, like art, like poetry, like all its creative expressions, is about experimenting and pushing the limits......

1 commento:

sulu-design ha detto...

I love that your blog is text-rich and image-light. Thanks for the little plug. But I have to say, now that I'm off of that wordless project, I can't stop blathering on and on! I've got to take a lesson from Maritza - less talk, more rock!