
on birthing

As I am not a mother, nor have I ever had a baby (which would actually relegate me to the category of motherhood by default, no?) the title might seem a bit strange to those of you who know me. You might well be considering now (at this very moment even) if that actually IS a cat you hear in the background while we're on the telelphone and not a screaming child as you had originally supposed. Side Note: it's really scary how much like a baby the cat can sound at times. End Side Note. However, though I am not a "traditional" mother in the strictest sense of the word (as already mentioned, I have no human babies), I am of the opinion that one can birth ideas, creative endeavors and other such sorts of things. Even paintings, sculptures, collages, guache <---- (one of my personal favorites) and/or books if you are so inclined. I think that this is part of the reason why men are so interested in creating things: they will never have the opportunity to have life come forth from their bodies, and are thusly forced to come up with some surrogate method of metaphorically giving life to something. They are rampantly (and at times indiscriminately) involved in invention, creation, innovation, and art.

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