
technology, oh how I loathe thee

sometimes, techonology is just not on my side. Sigh. Take this morning for instance: I am all geared up to take my exams, to dowload the final so I can begin work on the questions, and Firefox has decided that it feels like being recalcitrant and doing whatever the hell it feels like doing (today this has taken the form of not risponding). Well, you know Firefox, there are many moments in my life when I too feel like not risponding (for instance, when my boss asked me the other day about how I was going to vote in the next election and then proceeded to extoll the virtues of George Bush Senior...I was, needless to say, totally flumuxed by this commentary and wondered silently if I was being tested by some strange and evil diety trying to make its presence known to the world) but not being a web browser, I DON'T HAVE THAT OPTION!! Why do you do me this way?? why oh why??? I implore you oh gods of hypertext, please let firefox function!!
Do I need to make some sort of virgin sacrifice to get the damn thing to work? How many times can one send the same resoconto to Apple without seeming completely redundant? Maybe I should restart the whole operation and start again from scratch?
any suggestions?

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