and then I wandered around Henry Street for about thirty minutes or maybe an hour
then I went to Dublin Castle where they give a little tour with some history about the castle, about the presidents, kings, and city, not to mention some other interesting tidbits for your amusement.
For instance, I found out that Dublin (the name) comes from old viking for black pool (dove lin....bear with me it's phonic, I have no idea how it would have been spelt)
then I went to Christ Church Cathedral, absolutely stunning
and finally to St. Patrick's also absolutely stunning. The stonework here is amazing!
Anyway, there are a ton of Italian (and German) tourists here (not to mention the French, Arabic speakers (could be from just about anywhere, after all if you're reading the Quran, you're speaking Arabic, no?), and even people from Bangladesh!! I met two guys from Bangladesh today!!!) I found two Italians (figures, doesn't it?) with whom I went to Bewley's Cafe, but sadly they were closed so we moved on to Cafe en Siene...very, very nice.....though the waitress was a little weird (it is ridiculously cold here only 12° C probably in the low 50's!!) But I LOVE Dublin! It's amazing!!
and P.S. I met a bricklayer from Saint Louis, MO yesterday (significant because my mom is there and City Council person....when I informed him of this, he seemed totally nonplussed....though I wasn't telling him because I wanted to appear all snooty, just to say hey, we've something in common)...apparently his family is all famous or something his grandfather is like the head bricklayer for the mass conglomerate of
bricklayer's unions here....whatever....then his friend tried to kiss was a totally weird and surreal experience......ah yes, the benefits of being in country where everyone speaks your language.....when you tell someone to fuck off, the underdstand you completely, no translation necessary :-)
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