
Città alla cima della collina

A city on a hilltop (which actually describes just about every city in this area).......

First stop: the Pozzo di Patrizio.....a well built by the Romans (what a surprise!) which is ridiculuosly deep.....but only because they put this one on a hilltop and therefore had to dig deeper to get to the water table....because the level of the water table doesn't change......

It's constructed in sort of a spiral fashion....one level to ascend and the other to decend.....genius....that way, you don't bump into each other with huge containers of water......could be dangerous, no?

the view looking up:

and the view looking down........

and then there's the panoramic landscape.....

a casual stroll along Corso Cavour......

turn left at the clock tower........and then you lose the ability to breathe......on account of this:

neither words nor photos can do justice to this massive edifice......

practically the entire upper part of the facciata (I think it's called a façade in English, which is really borrowed from the French......) is a mosaic......and not just mosaic, but there's an awful lot of gold in there....

the detail is incredible........

the rosette window from the outside...

and from the inside.......

but it wasn't all duomo all the time......

there are museums.......pretty streets......and Orvieto Sotterraneo (thanks to the Etruschi....Geniuses!!)......

have I mentioned the Umbrian landscape lately??? It sometimes reminds me of a patchwork quilt...

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